Welcome to the Catholic University Student Government Association. This is your chance to have a voice in the administration and get involved. Look around this site to learn about our branches, meet your representatives, and find your place to leave a mark!


The Executive Branch

Each spring, the student body elects a President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary to serve as the SGA Executive. In addition to the Executive Board is the Executive Cabinet, which consists of the Chief of Staff, Senior Director of the Executive Initiatives, Accountant, Research Director, Events Director, and Director of the Interior. The Cabinet's role is to advise the President on external advocacy matters and provide updates on their specific areas of jurisdiction within SGA. 

The President also organizes Executive Initiatives and Task Forces each year. Executive Initiatives, which are led as a whole by the Senior Director of the Executive Initiatives and individually by Directors, are groups of students representing niche areas on campus and are charged with organizing campaigns, events, and more to ensure that their voice is being heard. Task Forces, led by a Task Force Director, are created at the designation of the President based on the needs of the community for the upcoming year. Visit our Executive page to learn about the Initiatives and Task Force for this year! 


The Legislative Branch

The Senate is comprised of twenty-six Senators with two Senators from each class and two Senators from each academic school who are elected in October and serve for the remainder of the academic year. SGA Vice President Clare Tong serves as the presiding officer of all Senate sessions for the 2024-2025 academic year.  
There are currently five standing committees in the Senate: Rules and Administration, Academic Affairs, University Services, Student Resources, and Campus Life. Each committee is responsible for a particular area of expertise. Committee chairs are elected by the Senate body at the first session.


The Tresorial Branch
The SGA Treasury Board is made up of eight voting members across all classes at the Catholic University of America. This group of directors is led by the Treasurer, Grace Marino, who votes only in cases of a tie. The Treasury Board is responsible for allocating funds out of the student activity fee to all student organizations for operations, programming events, and other related costs.