Read about the Executive Initiatives and Task Force for this school year! 


Makayla Osabun

Community Engagement Executive Initiative

The Community Engagement Executive Initiative managed to plan a panel dialogue on the treatment of BIPOC students at CUA, participate in the creation of legislation on the creation of an Africana Studies program, and plan a keynote speaker event for CUA’s first ever virtual MLK Teach-in week. The team also organized an event on the Consistent Ethic of Life along with BSA, SOL and FOCUS which was an immense success. 

Luke Bubel
Isi Reisz

Catholic Values Executive Initiative

The goal of the Catholic Values Executive Initiative is to cultivate a deep Catholic identity on campus by supporting clubs and individuals and mediating between the student body and Campus Ministry.  In 2020, the Initiative advocated for more sacramental opportunities during the University's quarantine periods by relaying concerns to Campus Ministry and encouraging transparency and advertisement of opportunities. This included the addition of two communion services for Resident Assistants and Nursing students working Sunday clinical.  Additionally, the Initiative began networking with religious clubs, produced a series of Advent reflections, and participated in the University's Inauguration prayer service. In 2021, the Initiative sponsored the Welcome Home Campaign, which encouraged students to partake in the many sacramental and spiritual opportunities during September. 

Josh Phillips

Campus Wellness Executitive Initiative

Last year, the Wellness Initiative was able to partake in Fresh Check Day, which partnered with many different organizations on campus in order to promote physical and mental health. They work to promote physical health by cultivating different events and working groups to keep the campus population in shape and also hold events during the year that promote a healthier mental state for the campus community. They will continue to work more with different organizations such as PEERS and the Kane Center in order to create a more informed campus about ways to stay healthy.

Odalys Campos

Disability Support Services Executive Initiative

This year, we are introducing a brand new Executive Initiative focused on advocacy and work for students who use Disability Support Services. We are excited to see what this Initiative takes on during its debut year!

Emilia Kozeracki

Environment Executive Initiative

The Environmental Executive Initiative brainstorms and executes ideas on how to make Catholic University more environmentally aware and sustainable. The Initiative does this by working closely with the Environmental Sustainability Office and Facilities, Maintenance, and Operations Office. One of its major accomplishments was the creation and maintenance of the campus Community Garden!


Walter Cunningham


Commuter & Transfer Students Executive Initiative

The Commuter and Transfer Student Initiative aims to facilitate campus life for recent transfer students or students who are local and do not reside on campus. Their hope is to raise awareness and act on matters pertaining to the commuter and transfer student community. This may include matters such as parking permits, parking spaces, lack of inclusion, etc. The team strives to make commuters and transfer students feel at home at Catholic University through events such as the Commuter Lunch in partnership with the CCE that was held last spring. 

Emma Murray

Title IX Task Force

The Title IX Task Force is dedicated to supporting survivors of sexual assault on our campus through building awareness of resources available to students and advocating for systemic change in policies at our University. Some examples of the work that this Task Force has achieved are partnering with PEERS to implement Title IX resource stations in dorms on campus and advocating for the implementation of survivor-centric Title IX training for residence assistants, student ministers, and orientation advisors.